Metro Bus Accident Attorney

West Coast Trial Lawyers’ experienced attorneys will cover Metro bus accidents below. West Coast Trial Lawyers can answer any questions regarding metro bus accident attorney  damages and claims if you or a loved one has been injured in a bus crash.

Call 888-679-1973 to arrange for a free consultation or complete the contact form.

First Considerations LA Metro busses are part of Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority, a public agency subject to California Tort Claims Act. Code SS 810 et al.). There are therefore specific timelines and rules to follow when filing  a claim for a Metro bus accident.

What is a common carrier Of Metro Bus? 

Transporting passengers is a duty that requires a higher level of care. These operators are often classified as common carrier. They are responsible for the transportation of individuals and goods at a profit.

Metro may be in breach of their duty as a common transporter if they neglect bus maintenance, fleet checks, driver training, and supervisory supervision. This could lead to potential liability and damages.

The FMCSA, along with other California agencies, enforces regulations to help reduce the number of commercial bus accidents. These include areas such as driver training, working hours, drug testing and vehicle maintenance.

Metro drivers and Metro buses violating safety rules can cause bus accidents.

Bus Accident Investigations In most cases, it is important to establish Metro’s negligence in order to recover damages.

Metro may be held liable for a number of common situations like :

  • Traffic laws not being followed
  • Training and hiring practices that are not adequate
  • Negligent bus maintenance
  • Driving while distracted
  • Under the Influence of Alcohol: Driving
  • Fatigued Driving

What can a Metro bus accident attorney do for individuals? 

Bus accident attorneys are experts in bus accidents. What they typically can do for people:

  • Legal representation: These lawyers represent individuals who are involved in accidents involving buses. They represent them during negotiations with the insurance company and in court, if there is a lawsuit.
  • Investigative: The investigators investigate thoroughly the accident to establish liability. It involves collecting evidence, such as police reports and witness statements.
  • Determine Liability They decide who’s at fault in the accident. The bus driver may be liable, as well as the bus company or another driver who was involved in an accident.
  • Assessment of Damages: Assesses the damages that the person has suffered, such as medical costs, loss wages, suffering and pain, and damage to property.
  • Insurance Companies: These companies negotiate on behalf of individuals with the insurance companies to obtain fair compensation.
  • Filing Lawsuits If an individual cannot reach a settlement through negotiation, the attorney can bring a suit on their behalf and represent that person in court.
  • Legal Rights Advice: These professionals advise people on their rights, options and legal processes. They also help them to understand what they can expect.
  • Support They offer emotional support to individuals and provide guidance and advice throughout the legal procedure. This can help them navigate a stressful and complex situation.

A bus accident lawyer works to protect and represent the interests and rights of those who are injured by bus accidents, and helps them to recover compensation.

California requires that claims be made against government entities within six months after the accident. Claims against parties other than governments can be brought within two years.

It can be difficult to navigate the claims process for a bus accident on your own. This could lead you to omit important information or make statements that are detrimental to your case. Bus accident attorneys can help individuals manage all aspects of their case including dealing with insurance companies and medical providers, scheduling appointments, etc.

Damages Available Bus accident victims are entitled to a variety of damages, including economic compensation and non-economic compensation. This includes medical expenses, loss wages, damage to property, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

West Coast Trial Lawyers is Here to Help Bus accident victims can depend on West Coast Trial Lawyers’ expertise to seek compensation for damages. Legal team dedicated to helping individuals recover from losses.

West Coast Trial Lawyers offers a complimentary consultation to anyone who calls 888-679-1973. You can also fill out the form

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